Burritos in C#


Functional primitives for Unity3D

inspired by csharp-monads, Haskell & F#

compatible with Unity3D

Why functional?







problem: null

string FirstOf(string[] xs)
  return xs.Length > 0 ? xs[0] : null;

var name = FirstOf(names);
var letters = name.Length; // Causes NullReferenceException

solution: maybe

"The Maybe type encapsulates an optional value. A value of type Maybe[T] either contains a value of type T (Just[T]), or it is empty (Nothing[T])."

example: maybe

string FirstOf(string[] xs)
  return xs.Length > 0 ? xs[0] : null;

var name = FirstOf(names);
var letters = name.Length; // Causes NullReferenceException

// vs.

Maybe<string> FirstOf(string[] xs)
  return xs.Length > 0 ? Maybe.Just(xs[0]) : Maybe.Nothing<string>();

var name = FirstOf(names);
var letters = name.FromJustOrDefault(0,s => s.Length);

composing: maybe

Maybe<string> FirstOf(string[] xs)
    return xs.Length > 0 ? Maybe.Just(xs[0]) : Maybe.Nothing<string>();

Maybe<string> StartsWithA(string s)
    return s.StartsWith("A") ? Maybe.Just(s) : Maybe.Nothing<string>();

Maybe<string> AtLeast5Chars(string s)
    return s.Length >= 5 ? Maybe.Just(s) : Maybe.Nothing<string>();

var letters = FirstOf(names)
              .FromJustOrDefault(0,s => s.Length);

problem: exceptions

bool ValidPassword(string x)
    if(x.Length < 8)
        throw new System.Exception("Password needs at least 8 chars");
        throw new System.Exception("Password needs to contain a dash");
    return true;

var valid = false;
    valid = ValidPassword(pw);
catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("Validation error:"+e);
if(valid) Console.WriteLine("Validation succeeded");

solution: either

"The Either type represents values with two possibilities: a value of type Either[T1,T2] is either Left[T1] or Right[T2]."

"The Either type is sometimes used to represent a value which is either correct or an error; by convention, Left is used to hold an error value and Right holds a correct value"

example: either

Either<Exception,string> ValidPassword(string x)
    if(x.Length < 8)
        return Either.Left<Exception,string>(new Exception("Password needs at least 8 chars"));
    if (x.Contains("-"))
        return Either.Left<Exception, string>(new Exception("Password needs to contain a dash"));
    return Either.Right<Exception,string>(x);

var valid = ValidPassword(pw);
    ? Console.WriteLine("Validation error:" + valid.FromLeft())
    : Console.WriteLine("Validation succeeded");

composing: either

Either<Exception, string> AtLeast8Chars(string x)
    return x.Length < 8
        ? Either.Left<Exception, string>(new Exception("Password needs at least 8 chars"))
        : Either.Right<Exception, string>(x);

Either<Exception, string> ContainsDash(string x)
    return x.Contains("-")
        ? Either.Left<Exception, string>(new Exception("Password needs to contain a dash"))
        : Either.Right<Exception, string>(x);

Either<Exception,string> ValidPassword(string x)
    return AtLeast8Chars(x)

var valid = ValidPassword(pw);
    ? Console.WriteLine("Validation error:" + valid.FromLeft())
    : Console.WriteLine("Validation succeeded");

problem: concurrency

HttpWebRequest webRequest;

void StartWebRequest()
    webRequest.BeginGetResponse(FinishWebRequest, null);

void FinishWebRequest(IAsyncResult result)
    var response = webRequest.EndGetResponse(result);

StartWebRequest(); // How do I get the response out?!?

solution: async

"A compositional asynchronous computation, which, when run, will eventually produce a value of type T, or else raises an exception." - F# docs

example: async

Async<string> LoadHugeJsonAsync(Uri uri)
    return () => "....json..."; //This could be a synchronous webrequest

var req = LoadHugeJsonAsync(new Uri("huge-json.com"));

// Run it synchronously/blocking
var result = req.RunSynchronously();

// Run it async with callback
var callback = new AsyncReplyChannel<string>(s =>
    return Unit.Default;
req.StartAndReply(ch => callback);

composing: async

Async<string> LoadHugeJsonAsync(Uri uri)
    return () => "....json..."; //This could be a synchronous webrequest

Async<Dictionary<string, string>> ParseHugeJsonAsync(string json)
    return () => new Dictionary<string, string>(); // There should be some parsing here

var req = LoadHugeJsonAsync(new Uri("huge-json.com"))

// Get the dictionary synchronously
var dict = req.RunSynchronously();

composing: async (parallel)

Async<string> LoadHugeJsonAsync(Uri uri)
    return () => "....json..."; //This could be a synchronous webrequest

var reqs = new []
    LoadHugeJson(new Uri("huge-json.com/1")),
    LoadHugeJson(new Uri("huge-json.com/2")),
    LoadHugeJson(new Uri("huge-json.com/3"))

var results = reqs.Parallel().RunSynchronously();
foreach (var result in results)

