
Paket plugin for gradle

Project maintained by wooga


The invisible paket-base plugin contains the basic functionality and tasks to run all other paket-* plugins. It generates the paketBootstrap which initializes the build environment to work with Paket. It also defines a custom configuration that is used by some the other paket-* plugins.


The paket-base plugin add a number of tasks to your project

Task name Depends on Type Description
paketInit   wooga.gradle.paket.base.tasks.PaketInit Creates empty paket.dependencies file and calls paketBootstrap
paketBootstrap   wooga.gradle.paket.base.tasks.PaketBootstrap Downloads paket.bootstrapper.exe and initializes paket.exe


The plugin defines a custom configuration named nupkg. It will hold artifacts generated by paket-pack mainly .nupkg packages.